Enough About Me…What Do You Think of Me?

April 14, 2010

in meta

Sorry I left this blog languish for a bit. Let me catch you up on a few things that have happened in my professional life in rough chronological order:

  • I was quite surprised (stunned really, ask me about it some time) and tremendously honored to receive the 2009 SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award at the last LISA. For those who were not at the 2009 LISA, you missed my 1985 Sally Fields acceptance speech imitation.
  • It was great to have the opportunity to present to the other sysadmins in the ‘hood at the January 2010 BBLISA meeting.
  • At a friend’s urging, I ran for and was elected to a seat on the USENIX’s Board of Directors. If you haven’t heard of USENIX before, it is the organization that sponsors the LISA conference (and some other great ones). Come June, I look forward to serving USENIX and the wider sysadmin community in that capacity to the best of my ability. Thanks to those who voted to give me that opportunity.
  • I’m also very honored to be asked to give the opening keynote session at the upcoming PICC Conference sponsored by LOPSA-NJ. I’ve also been asked to teach a class there based on this website’s favorite book. PICC is the first regional conference I’ve attended in a while and I think it is going to be great.

That’s what is up with me. How are things with you?

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